
Science and politics find uneasy mix at IPCC / Geographical

When the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change met in Edmonton for their Cities conference this March, the Deputy Premier for Alberta used her stage time to promote the advancement of provincial oil exports.

Alberta’s Deputy Premier Sarah Hoffman. PH. Connor Mah

I reported remotely for Geographical magazine online.

During the conference Alberta highlighted their impressive suite of climate mitigation policies at provincial level. Yet, by dramatically increasing their exported carbon emissions simultaneously, I argue this represents a dangerous double-think with regard to tackling the global climate change challenge.

You can read the article here (opens in new tab)

Does UK’s Environment Plan go far enough? / Geographical

On January 11th the British Prime Minister launched the government’s much anticipated 25 Year Year Environment Plan.

I shared my thoughts on the proposal for Geographical Magazine online

(Click to read in a fresh tab)

















Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)


Island Man / Geographical

Before the time of celebrity culture, desert islands were places of wonder and personal discovery and spiritualism. Our cultural references are rich in the English language from Shakespeare’s The Tempest to Daniel Defoe’s writing of arguably the first ever novel, Robinson Crusoe.

In April 2017 I was “shipwrecked,” on an islet in the Pearl Island archipelago, a few hundred kilometres off the Pacific coast of Panama. I wrote a few articles about the cut and thrust of our 8 day survival experience (Outdoor Fitness, Blue Ridge Outdoors and Get Out There) and created a photo set and short film now found at

This article for RGS Geographical was a bit different. You can read an extract from the current issue below.





Heart of Darién / Geographical

In May 2017 I travelled to the Panamanian jungle on the border with Colombia. My goal was to photograph and write a story about the opportunities for the area following the disarmament of FARC.  

The Royal Geographical Society published the feature in their December 2017 issue.

Click the downward arrow below, and scroll to the next page

new Heart of Darien : Geographical magazine