Ojos del Salado Sky Race / Men´s Fitness
May 3, 2023/by Matt-Maynard
The Patagonian Guest / Sidetracked
A story from inside the Fireflies Patagonia…
April 10, 2023/by Matt-MaynardA story from inside the Fireflies Patagonia…

Iceberg Hustlers / Geographical Magazine
The following is an extract from my feature story for…
May 25, 2022/by Matt-Maynard
Fireflies Patagonia / Men’s Fitness
This March I shot a big Patagonian bike tale from the remotest…
September 5, 2021/by Matt-Maynard
Taking the ego out of adventure / Geographical
I wrote this feature story for @geographical_magazine recently,…
June 1, 2021/by Matt-Maynard
Queremos Parque / Runner’s World
Runner's World doubled-down with this double-page spread from…
April 12, 2021/by Matt-Maynard
Democratise the mountains / Thomson Reuters Foundation
A feature story and photo package for Thompson Reuters Foundation…
January 26, 2021/by Matt-Maynard
A Park for the People / Geographical
The feature story above is from the October 2020…
January 18, 2021/by Matt-Maynard
An interview with George Meegan / Geographical
August 17, 2020/by Matt-Maynard
Child soldier to world class ultra runner / Red Bull
There once was a Nepalese village girl called Mira Rae. From…
May 29, 2020/by Matt-Maynard
Fitness and Fatherhood – Men’s Fitness
A lovely big feature story about my wild, wonderful and ultra…
October 25, 2019/by Matt-Maynard
Andean plane mystery / Geographical
How do you engage people on a big scary issue like climate…
June 5, 2019/by Matt-Maynard
Greater Patagonian Trail / Outside online
Opens in new tab here.
Boy, I've been cooking this one…
May 20, 2019/by Matt-MaynardBoy, I've been cooking this one…

Into Wonderland / Horizon Travel
I have helped co-author the new Horizon Travel Guide, Adventures…
May 19, 2019/by Matt-Maynard
Search for Star Dust / Rab
In February 2019 I led a three man 15-day expedition into…
April 27, 2019/by Matt-Maynard
The bike raid that time forgot / Red Bull
This March I sneaked down into the Araucanía region of southern…
April 2, 2019/by Matt-Maynard
Searching for Star Dust / Red Bull
March 7, 2019/by Matt-Maynard
The 3000km Trespass / Geographical
It takes some careful pitching of ideas and an understanding…
January 21, 2019/by Matt-Maynard
Search for Star Dust Press Release
January 14, 2019/by Matt-Maynard
Rewilded Running / Trail Running
A story about rewilding, wolves, whisky and a spot of running…
November 28, 2018/by Matt-Maynard
Power of the Dark Side / Outdoor Fitness
I wrote this fun story for Outdoor Fitness magazine about how…
November 7, 2018/by Matt-Maynard
NF Endurance Challenge Chile 50K Chile / North Face
October 23, 2018/by Matt-Maynard
Into the Wild, Chile / the Guardian
On January 11th 2011, I set off on a bicycle ride from the…
September 18, 2018/by Matt-Maynard
I’m running 100miles on UK’s oldest trail
August 6, 2018/by Matt-Maynard
There’s rain water sloshing inside my camera lenses!
July 1, 2018/by Matt-Maynard
Guide to shooting in remote and dangerous locations / Battle Face
I whipped this up for Battle Face Travel. There's some accompanying…
April 24, 2018/by Matt-Maynard
Where the Wild Things Are / Escapism
In late August of 2017 I wrangled the opportunity to visit the…
April 14, 2018/by Matt-Maynard
To Kill a Glacier / Geographical
February 24, 2018/by Matt-Maynard
Volcano Tobogganing / Outdoor Fitness
I headed out into the Pacific Ocean to Chile's remote territory…
February 1, 2018/by Matt-Maynard
Batchelor’s party on bikes / Red Bull
We rode some bikes and drank some beer and whisky for my buddy's…
January 26, 2018/by Matt-Maynard
A Year of Jasmin / Ultra
In 2017 I interviewed champion ultrarunner Jasmin Paris on two…
January 18, 2018/by Matt-Maynard
Island Man / Geographical
Before the time of celebrity culture, desert islands were places…
December 28, 2017/by Matt-Maynard
Walking with Wolves / BBC
Rumours reached me in September 2017 of a plan to "rewild" Britain…
December 22, 2017/by Matt-Maynard
Heart of Darién / Geographical
In May 2017 I travelled to the Panamanian jungle on the border…
November 20, 2017/by Matt-Maynard
Thru hiking the Americas / Outside
Holly Harrison is hiking from Patagonia to Alaska. I tried to…
November 3, 2017/by Matt-Maynard
Running with Wolves / Men’s Running
In late August 2017, I travelled to Västmanland Sweden for the…
October 14, 2017/by Matt-Maynard
Getting fit in winter / Red Bull
Whipped this guide up for Red Bull online to inspire night time…
September 29, 2017/by Matt-Maynard
Creating the largest protected area on the planet / Geographical
September 17, 2017/by Matt-Maynard
Desert Island Survival / Get Out There
This April I survived 8 days fishing (+ writing and photographing)…
September 15, 2017/by Matt-Maynard
Cover Story / Men’s Running
For the October issue, Men's Running magazine commissioned a…
September 10, 2017/by Matt-Maynard
Volcano Run / Outdoor Fitness
July 25, 2017/by Matt-Maynard
How to hike the Grand Canyon / the Guardian
In November 2016 I plunged a vertical mile into the…

Trail Mix / Men’s Running
Every month I write the trail running section for Men's Running…
July 1, 2017/by Matt-Maynard
Cover shot and story / Men’s Running April
April 1, 2017/by Matt-Maynard
How to survive an Antarctic swim / Outside
In December 2016 I met Lewis Pugh – British maritime lawyer…
March 12, 2017/by Matt-Maynard
Atacama by Tandem / Outdoor Fitness
I have been writing about travels in Chile for a few years now.…
December 10, 2016/by Matt-Maynard
Volcanic Triathlon from Easter Island / Triathlete
100,000 subscribers to Triathlete magazine had this magical story…
November 25, 2016/by Matt-Maynard
How do you engage people with a slow moving problem like air…
October 20, 2016/by Matt-Maynard
The Art of Fastpacking / Men’s Running
In Men's Running magazine this October, you can read our story…
October 12, 2016/by Matt-MaynardSalomon Glen Coe Skyline™ / Red Bull
Red Bull wanted an inspiring make-me-feel-I'm-there-on-the-mountain-with-you…
September 24, 2016/by Matt-MaynardAdventure Film Festival Director / Red Bull
[:en]“Hi, my name’s Kyle. It’s seven o’clock in the morning,…
September 23, 2016/by Matt-Maynard
Tribal Trails / Trail Runner magazine USA
The indigenous Rapa Nui people of Easter Island believed for…
August 1, 2016/by Matt-MaynardRace Director Interview / Red Bull, Jobs in Adventure
[:en]There's one man behind the UK's wildest running races. This…
August 1, 2016/by Matt-Maynard
Cover shot issue 4 / Ultra
Cover shot for issue 4 of Ultra magazine accompanied my "Full Circle Patagonia" article, describing our attempt to run the classic 100km O Trek in 1 big wild day out complete with pumas and glaciers. #ultrarunning #torresdelpaine #chile #adventure #fastpacking #friendship #ultramag
July 23, 2016/by Matt-MaynardRoyal Navy Doctor / Red Bull, Jobs in Adventure Series
[:en]Imagine a job where you got paid to go on adventures. This…
June 19, 2016/by Matt-MaynardRide the Divide – Cover Feature, Get Out There magazine
[:en]Did you know there are 429km of backcountry MTB magic to…
June 19, 2016/by Matt-Maynard
Work out Like A Polynesian Warrior / Red Bull
Living 2,000km from the nearest inhabited island, the Rapa Nui…
June 19, 2016/by Matt-MaynardFastest At World’s End / Sidetracked
[:en]For as long as I've been writing about adventures, I have…
May 12, 2016/by Matt-MaynardThe Runners of Rapa Nui / Men’s Running
[:en]In the May issue of Men's Running there's a story of some…
April 7, 2016/by Matt-MaynardFastest Known Time / Red Bull Adventure
Red Bull were looking for an accessible introduction…
March 29, 2016/by Matt-MaynardRed Bull were looking for an accessible introduction…
The story behind the cover shot / Ultra magazine
When you get your copy of the superlative independent…
March 22, 2016/by Matt-Maynard
A crazy sport created by isolation / BBC
In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the Rapa Nui people believed…
March 22, 2016/by Matt-MaynardMen’s Fitness magazine / Vertical Kilometre Feature
[:en]Living in the Andes, it’s easy to forget that not everyone…
March 2, 2016/by Matt-Maynard
Picture of the Day / the Guardian
I snapped this shot on the third day of the Tapati festival on…
February 18, 2016/by Matt-MaynardBoulder Dash / Outdoor Fitness magazine
[:en]Outdoor Fitness magazine were looking for a beginner friendly…
January 22, 2016/by Matt-MaynardZolkan 4 Days 2016 / Limitless Pursuits
I've been away from my desk for the last week - reporting and…
January 12, 2016/by Matt-Maynard
Pleasure and Paine / Outdoor Fitness magazine
In April 2015 I travelled to Patagonia to take part in a 70mile…
December 30, 2015/by Matt-MaynardThe Elephant in the Atmosphere / Like the Wind magazine
[:en]In July 2015 I ran a project to draw attention to the seasonal…
December 15, 2015/by Matt-MaynardRunning the “O” loop at the 8th Natural Wonder of the World
[:en]Last Wednesday at 2:06 am under a full moon James Donald…
November 30, 2015/by Matt-MaynardThe Eighty Year Old Athlete
[:en]This morning I got an email.
"Matt Maynard - Muchas gracias…
November 13, 2015/by Matt-Maynard"Matt Maynard - Muchas gracias…
Running the 100km Patagonia O loop in 17hours / Ultra
[:en]On a miserable winter’s morning in Marshfield, England…
November 10, 2015/by Matt-MaynardUltra Trail Torres del Paine / Limitless Pursuits
“I call it my catharsis” he tells me.
October 15, 2015/by Matt-MaynardConnections
“I call it my catharsis” he tells me.
Til-Til Lampa 38km (español)
Tuve una experiencia maravillosa y durísima en las montañas…
August 22, 2015/by Matt-Maynard