Entries by Matt-Maynard

Taking the ego out of adventure / Geographical

I wrote this feature story for @geographical_magazine recently, asking what expectation we should have of modern explorers in the wake of the climate and environmental crisis. I got to interview both Ernest Shakelton’s and Neil Armstrong’s biographers about what role historical explorers of land, sea and space felt they had to report on its problems […]

Queremos Parque / Runner’s World

Runner’s World doubled-down with this double-page spread from our clandestine October 2020 expedition into the Río Colorado Basin this March. Over the last two years I have been working to help draw international attention to the Queremos Parque (We Want a Park) campaign that seeks to create a high-quality national park for Santiago’s  disenfranchised and […]

Anglo American evalúa comprar todo el Santuario de la Naturaleza Los Nogales / Interferencia

This story for Chilean investigative news house Interferencia was a collaboration with journalist Diego Ortiz and was the culmination of several years of researching the multinational mine company´s plans to expand operations, effect glaciers and threaten water supply in the pre-cordillera above Santiago with ramifications for half of the nation´s 17million people who live in […]