Five avoidable dangers in Darién / Battlezine

Some people go in search of danger in the near-mythical Darién province of Panama. I went for the adventure. In this article I explain how I reduced risk along the way – such as travelling in these infamous single-hull piragua boats.

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How to hike the Grand Canyon / the Guardian


In November 2016 I plunged a vertical mile into the Grand Canyon’s trail network with my friend James Kao. We crossed the Colorado River at nightfall, then hiked out the other side by moonlight. On July 4th 2017 the Guardian published my story and photography from the adventure. There’s an extract below.

You can continue reading the full article here.

Trail Mix / Men’s Running

Every month I write the trail running section for Men’s Running magazine UK

The articles draw on my own experiences running mountain races around the world and in my home in Chile

– Here’s the story in the current issue –